Delving into Tantra as a healing modality

What is Tantra?

Tantra is a philosophical system that originated in India, possibly even before the emergence of Yoga. It found prominence in Hindu and Buddhist philosophies during the 12th century in Asia, manifesting through practices such as meditation, the use of specific artistic representations (Yantra), and the utterance of specific sounds (Mantra). In the realm of Yoga, Tantra is integrated through the focused cultivation of Kundalini energy within the body.

Tantra (Sanskrit: तन्त्र) means "weave, continuum, connection." In tantric spirituality and philosophy, the focus is on interweaving with everything – it is an inner journey into All-Oneness. The difference from other spiritual currents lies in Tantra's welcome embrace of se_xual energy, desire, sensuality, and corporeality.

Tantra can heal trauma stored in the body

Difficult life experiences manifest as blocked energy in the body, along with the associated trauma feelings that can lead to copying behaviors that protect us from feeling the pain but at the same time can make us disconnected from our body, heart, and feelings.

Through numerous survival strategies, we are not fully in touch with our vulnerability and develop a false identity based on identification with survival aspects.

Energetically speaking, we end up living life like a pilot light. Until one day we wake up and feel the inner call: "I am more!" Many of us embark on the journey to reclaim full vitality...

In Tantra, Kundalini energy is allowed, alongside heart energy, to dissolve inner blockages that can be related to past difficult experiences or even trauma. Therefore, working with Tantra as a healing modality means being willing to embark on a journey into the depths of the soul, where facing her/his blockages might not feel easy, but surely over time rewarding.

Tantra is the path to self-knowledge

True Tantra is rooted in stillness, in silent awareness of what is. True Tantra understands that connection with another being is only possible when we are connected with our vulnerability and when we are present with everything in the here and now. True Tantra encourages your self-connection, respecting your needs and boundaries, and also urges you to break through false, imposed limits.

However, this will be a healing experience only if, as an adult, you have learned to take responsibility for yourself - for all your inner aspects, for all your needs, for all your actions. Thus, we cannot engage in healing Tantra without incorporating therapeutic work and knowledge of internal trauma-induced mechanisms.

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Feeling All the Feels