releasing emotions stored in the pelvis

Hands of massage expert lying on woman's back while giving pelvic release session

These sessions provide a space for individuals who suffer from pelvic pain, the cause of which is still uncertain, and who may feel that both physical and psychological aspects contribute to the cycle of chronic pain. At its core, this work utilizes massage therapy, breathwork, and relaxation techniques to explore the complexity of pelvic floor and genital area pain-related issues, for which conventional medicine has not yet provided an effective solution.

Within this container, the intent is to address the body and its needs to express, feel, release, and heal in an environment that prioritizes relaxation, comfort, empathy, and discretion. It's a space that encourages authentic expression while offering an opportunity to transform discomfort into a source of strength and empowerment.

What is pelvic pain?

Pelvic pain is a condition of sore, irritated, and contracted pelvic floor tissue that is never given a chance to heal. Other conditions that refer to pelvic pain include prostatitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, levator ani syndrome, endometriosis, and vulvodynia (in a woman's body). Some common symptoms include localized or general pain and unpleasant sensory and emotional experiences related to it, which can intensify to anxiety, depression, and difficulties in intimate relations. In this approach, we understand pain as a useful message from the body that warns us that something is too hot, tight, stretched, or overused. By providing nourishment in a safe environment, it is possible to address pain and dysfunction of the pelvic floor tissues to support and re-establish broader and sustainable overall well-being.

What to expect

With this treatment, I aim to consider both the physical and psychological aspects that can cause pelvic floor pain and dysfunctions, offering a slow and mindful approach that can help address the root cause, often resulting from past events that the body still remembers in this area. During periods of stress or trauma, the pelvic floor muscles tend to tense up, and how this tension remains often goes unnoticed, contributing to cycles of chronic pain, numbness, a decline in sexual desire, and even digestive system issues (generally when tightening the pelvic muscles also tightens the abdomen, diaphragm, and inner thighs).

A head-to-toe gentle massage prepares the body-mind for full relaxation, allowing the whole-body connective tissue (fascia) to gain fluidity, and knots and tension can be released. When starting to work around the pelvic area, I will ask you to be present with your breath, and together we will explore the tissues by applying gentle pressure on points you find relevant, firstly externally and only within your boundaries, possibly also internally. Residual tension encountered should be released effortlessly by remaining continually aware without trying to change anything. This is the method of the so-called Paradoxical relaxation technique, derived from the studies conducted on this matter in the Wise Anderson protocol. It aims to relax the person profoundly, surrendering and remaining aware of the tension. It promotes blood and lymph flow, establishing a crucial condition for healing to occur. A simple but profound breathwork exercise concludes the session, and some time for relaxation and integration will allow the work to gently settle into the body.